A little taste of Bali – Base Genep a.k.a awesome Indonesian spice mix

Base Genep
Click image for recipe

Have you ever suffered from holiday envy? No? Then consider yourself lucky!

For me, it seems that EVERYONE I know has either just come back from holidays, is on holidays or is about to take off for their holiday. In the last two months I have had people taking off for trips across the USA, Disneyland, Atlantic QM2 crossing, Hawaii, Europe, a Bali diving getaway, going to the Rugby World Cup quarter finals to see the Wallabies take on Scotland! (this one annoyed me the most!) Even my own Mini Me had her own two week get away over the school holidays.

October and November are difficult months for me. Characteristically they are hectic & crazy office days with me running around like a chook with no head on. It’s like the world knows that I am desperate for my own holiday and keeps on throwing other peoples holidays my way.

With my own getaway in sight I went through my holiday happy snaps, Europe, Thai Land, Queensland, NZ, and Bali.

Bali is our families go-to-place to get away and really relax without feeling the need to have to do something everyday, mainly because we have been there a few times.

Going through my travel photos I came across ones of my favourite restaurant in Ubud called Indus, owned by ex-pat Australian Janet De Neefe, creator of the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival. Janet was born and bred in Melbourne but after falling for a Balinese man in 1984 she moved to Ubud and I guess as they say, the rest is history. She now runs Indus and Casa Luna. The cooking school at Casa luna is world renowned, being listed as one of the best cooking school in the world by ‘The Australian’ newspaper.

Indus is a short 5 minute drive from the center of town and is set overlooking awe inspiring, lush rolling green hills. I still remember my very first visit, it was October 2002, my first trip to Bali, hubby had lost count with his. We had booked three nights in Ubud and Indus was not very far from our hotel. The restaurant was recommended to us by our dear friend and tour guide extraordinaire Made Dampol.

Our experience was amazing. The atmosphere, the service and the food was fantastic. Indus overlooks the Tjampuhan river however walking into the restaurant you have absolutely no idea what beauty awaits you towards the end of the their courtyard. I highly recommend visiting around the 5pm mark to feast on their divine menu, Balinese with a modern twist whilst watching the sun cast long shadows over the lush green hills.



Like all good things our holiday came to an end but when I came across Janet De Neffe’s book ‘BALI’ in the store I was like a child in a candy shop! I ran home with the book in hand and studied it from page to page, drooling over which recipe I would make first, a little difficult considering they all look good!


I settled on Base Genep. A traditional spice paste that the Balinese use to flavour many of their dishes with. It translates to the complete spice mix.

Ingredient list in hand I was off and running…until I hit a brick wall called kencur root! Yep! Absolutely no one sells it within a 30 km radius of me! I went into all sorts of Asian shops and most of the people looked at me as if I was speaking another language. Luckily Janet states that if you can’t find kencur not to worry about it.

I have to agree with Janet that “the ingredients list was a bit daunting” BUT me being the student and her being the teacher I followed her instructions to the nth degree, which included grabbing a glass of wine (a large glass) and working through everything in your mortar.

I soon found myself working up a horrible sweat pounding all the ingredients together. I did think of throwing everything into the electric mixer…but that would defeat the purpose. If my food was going to taste great I had to work at it!

About 20 minutes into it I had the most amazing, aromatic and HOT smelling paste! Be warned…it’s definitely not for the faint hearted…but it tastes awesome in a variety of recipes and forms the most amazing base.

You can keep the paste in the fridge for a week and it can be used in a variety of different dishes.

Bella 🙂

Chicken & Mushroom Wonton Soup

Chicken & Mushroom Wonton Soup
Click image for recipe

Chicken & Mushroom Wonton Soup can be either a deliciously light starter to a meal or a hearty meal itself, it will come down to the size of your bowl and the amount of wontons you eat.

Wonton soup meals are deliciously luxurious with their silky sheets of egg wontons swimming in a hot bath of tasty, soothing broth. Throw in any vegetables and greens you like as once the stock is at simmer you can cook anything in it.

Happy slurping!  Blondie 🙂

Chicken & Mushroom Wonton Soup

Pine Mushroom & Pork Pot Stickers

Pine Mushroom & Pork Pot Stickers
Click image for recipe

Pine Mushroom & Pork Pot Stickers… Dumplings have always held a soft food spot to my stomach, and luckily for me they are found in most countries around the word in some form or another – ravioli, ebelskiver, pierogi, gyoza or samosa just to name a few.

These pot stickers are one of my favourite dumplings with the crusty, browned base and the soft, velvety top. What happens inside almost takes second place to the perfectly cooked skin.

These pot stickers can be eaten straight up, but I choose not to flavour the filling too strongly with seasonings so as to keep the flavour of the mushrooms. The flavour boost comes in the form of the dipping sauce. This is where you can go wild with flavour, maybe having several different sauces to dip into.

Happy dipping! Blondie 🙂

Finding Feasts - Pine-Mushroom-Pot-Stickers_11

Pine mushroom Okonomiyaki

Click for Pine Mushroom Okonomiyaki recipe
Click for Pine Mushroom Okonomiyaki recipe

Pine mushroom Okonomiyaki came about after a lovely forage with our first tour for the year. It’s always fun coming up with new recipes to use these glorious mushrooms in.

This is a Japanese pancake and can have any ingredients you want… this is up there with some of the best ever fridge clearer meals you will make.

The best way to serve Saffron Milk Cap Mushrooms is by keeping the flavours simple and clean. A quick sauté to get some caramelisation on them bumps the flavour up enormously.

Happy foraging! Blondie

Chicken w/ Lap Cheong & Spinach

Chicken w/ Lap Cheong & Spinach
Click image for recipe

Chicken w/ Lap Cheong & Spinach is a deliciously juicy Chinese dish that can adapt to having whatever vegetables you want to use in it.

This is an adaption from a new cookbook I picked up from the library, Sweet Mandarin Cookbook by Helen & Lisa Tse. “Classic and contemporary Chinese recipes with gluten and dairy-free variations.” This is a book I will be adding to my collection, without doubt – so many great recipes and very simple.

I say adaption because I used a whole chicken broken down instead of the skinless chicken breast and English spinach instead of the Chinese cabbage, oh and sherry (which I personally prefer) instead of the Shaoxing rice wine. I didn’t need to thicken the sauce with cornflour but if you choose to use the chicken breast you may want to. Just add 2 tablespoons of cornflour or potato flour to 1 tablespoon of water, mix it well then pour in near the end and cook for another 2 minutes, stirring continually.

So delicious… Blondie 🙂

Burmese Beef Cheek Curry by Chef Pete Evans

Finding Feasts - Burmese-Beef-Cheek-Curry
Click image for recipe

When Chef Pete Evans new cook book ‘Healthy Everyday’ landed on my lap a few weeks ago I was like a kid in a candy store. I couldn’t wait to leave the office, get home and read it cover to cover. This book is fantastic and it’s no wonder that as of two weeks ago it was officially the No.1 book in Australia! There are 120 recipes and I will be test driving all of them!

With Imogen away at nan and pops house and a rainy weekend on the door step there was nothing else to do but get in the kitchen and cook up a storm!

Choosing my first recipe was dead easy! I picked up some beef cheeks from my local butcher the week before so Burmese beef cheek curry it was. The recipe is a small labour of love so I wouldn’t recommend attempting this on a week night after work. Whilst I was very tempted to take a short cut and pop the beef cheek curry into the pressure cooker I am proud to say that stuck to the recipe and 3 hours later I had gelatinous, melt in the mouth, slow cooked goodness that sent me to heaven and back! There is definitely something very satisfying about eating slow cooked food on a miserable autumn night and as hubby and I settled in to watch our Vikings marathon, the sweet smell of the Burmese beef cheek curry permeated throughout the house for the rest of the night.

Special message of thanks:

This post is dedicated to my good friends at Macmillan Publishers, in particular Siv Toigo who has been kind enough to feed my cook book collecting habit over the past year, and to my boss, Mario Isaias, who has been lugging the books back to our office on each occasion – thank you to the both of you!

Finding Feasts - Burmese-Beef-Cheek-Curry2

Happiness is…Healthy Every Day!

Finding Feasts - Burmese-Beef-Cheek-Curry

Ps…yup…that’s me…in bed with Peter Evans! LOL!

Bella 🙂

Thai Pork Skewers

Thai Pork Skewers | Thai Pork Kebabs
Click image for recipe

Here is another recipe from David Thompson’s, Thai Street Food – one of my all time top 5 favourite cook books.

I have made a couple of minor adjustments and alternative ingredient options if you have trouble sourcing the exact recipe, but it’s basically the same.

These Thai Pork Skewers are beautifully sweet and salty, and with the cooking processing requiring coconut cream and a pandanus leaf brush for basting you can really feel like you’re on the streets of Thailand. Ideally cook these over gentle coals but you can use a grill on the stovetop – I really need to get my self a hibachi for cooking such dishes as the smoke that rises with the dripping juices adds an authenticity that can’t be beaten. I think every house had one 20 years ago!

Enjoy… Blondie  🙂